Repository ini merupakan aplikasi berbasis web yang digunakan untuk seleksi LKS DIY 2024 bidang Cloud Computing.
∩∩ ♡ i will always be
( . .̫ . ) here for supporting
〃 ∩ ◜◝U-U◜◝ and loving you lkscc..
⊂ ⌒ ( 。・ ㉨ ・ )
ヽ _ つ_/ ̄ ̄ ̄/
- v8.1+
- Composer v2
- Stable version of Docker
- Compatible version of Docker Compose
git clone --depth 1
cd lksdiycc2024
rm -rf .git
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
composer install
php artisan migrate
php -S localhost:8000 -t public
By default, the scripts required to dockerize this project are .docker
and docker-compose.yml
. The script is provided in this repository. Here's how to build and run the docker containers.
git clone
cd lksdiycc2024
docker compose up -d --build
docker compose exec php bash
composer setup
docker compose up -d
- URL: http://localhost
- Build or rebuild services
docker compose build
- Create and start containers
docker compose up -d
- Stop and remove containers, networks
docker compose down
- Stop all services
docker compose stop
- Restart service containers
docker compose restart
- Run a command inside a container
docker compose exec [container] [command]
- Display basic information about your application
php artisan about
- Remove the configuration cache file
php artisan config:clear
- Flush the application cache
php artisan cache:clear
- Clear all cached events and listeners
php artisan event:clear
- Delete all of the jobs from the specified queue
php artisan queue:clear
- Remove the route cache file
php artisan route:clear
- Clear all compiled view files
php artisan view:clear
- Remove the compiled class file
php artisan clear-compiled
- Remove the cached bootstrap files
php artisan optimize:clear
- Delete the cached mutex files created by scheduler
php artisan schedule:clear-cache
- Flush expired password reset tokens
php artisan auth:clear-resets
- Format all files
- Format specific files or directories
vendor/bin/pint app/Models
vendor/bin/pint app/Models/User.php
- Format all files with preview
vendor/bin/pint -v
- Format uncommitted changes according to Git
vendor/bin/pint --dirty
- Inspect all files
vendor/bin/pint --test
Feel free to edit and adjust this docker configuration to fit with your server environment. Special thanks to for good docker setup inspiration.
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.