This is a sample example of nodejs with
This is a very basic example and I hope this will help beginner to catch quickly. In this example, I am trying to show , how server will trigger data to client and how client will trigger data to server.
Following will responsible to send data among all the connected clients.
socket.emit('sendFromServer', {'serverData': new Date()});
here "sendFromServer" is a event, which is a custom event, i put it named "sendFromServer", when we will write receive event then we have to use this name.
Say, socket.on('sendFromServer', function(data){ document.getElementById('server-response'). innerHTML= data.serverData; });
The above is a receive event.
see, {'serverData': new Date()} this is my data, which i was send from server to client. we can send any object which we want.
I have provide some instruction to run this project. For this first install nodejs , after that clone / download source code. Then run the following command- then see what is happening there.... For server side receiving data , we can find in console.
npm install
node server.js
After the above command run, go to your brower then type http://localhost:8001/socket.html
yahhhhhhh ! Now its ready. we can see , our page is receiving data from server.
we can write some text in input field and press button then we can see the text in server console.