GraphQL is quickly becoming the alternative to REST API, being able to request a specified set of data across multiple resources within a single request. But with great power come great security risks. A single point of failure could allow attackers to create complex queries and exhaust resources (DoS), or bypass authorization to retrieve unauthorized information. This hands-on workhop is a prefect match boost your GraphQL skills, and be able to exploit the wrong implementation of the framework.
The workshop is meant for developers, architects and security folks. During the workshop we will learn how to setup a GraphQL project, define a schema, create Query, Mutation and Subscription for a "fake" social network. We will learn what are the main security issues to consider when developing a GraphQL application:
- Introspection: information disclosure
- /graphql as a single point of failure (DoS attacks)
- Broken Access control
- Injections
Once we get familiar with the issues, we will explain how to avoid it and/or fix it. |
Interested in learning more?
Contact us @ [email protected]