A Raspberry PI and Arduino based smart robot.
Built with Johnny-Five, React, esbuild and Typescript.
Powered with NodeJS, express, socket.io and firebase.
Assembled with LEGO bricks.
- Remote control from GUI (arrows + joystick)
- Exploration mode
- Play songs on buzzer :)
- It speaks!
- View from USB Camera through GUI
- Yamaha AV receiver control from GUI
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B + Lithium Battery Board (3800mAH, 5.1V)
- Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 IR 8MP
- USB Sound Card
- Arduino Mega 2560 + Sensor Shield V2.0
- Arduino Uno R3
- NodeMcu Lua Wifi ESP8266 + NodeMcu Base ver 1.0 (NodeMcu v3 CH340 Lua WIFI )
- LiPo Battery (2200mAH, 11,1V)
- L298N H-bridge Dual Motor Controller + 2 x LEGO Technic - Power Functions L-Motor 88003
- L298N H-bridge Dual Motor Controller + 1 x LEGO Technic - Power Functions L-Motor 88003
- 5161AS Seven Segment LED Display with 74HC595 Shift Register
- RGB Common cathode LED
- Buzzer
- LCD 2x16 Display with PCF8574 I2C converter
Arduino Uno R3 + Sensor Shield V4.0TowerPro SG90 ServoUltrasonic sensor HC-SR04
- Johnny-Five - javascript robotic platform with great API for controlling ardunino via socket.io from node server
- ReactJS GUI hosted on firebase hosting with socket.io communication to RaspiJS
- GitHub Actions CI automated deploys to firebase hosting
- Docker with Docker Compose for running the environment in containers
- Fabric for managing containers
- Makefile for running scripts
- Node v18.x
- Typescript
- Bootstrap 5
- Raspbian Buster
For running scripts you must have a SSH connection or direct bash access to Raspberry Pi.
Make sure to have docker
, docker compose
and fabric
installed on your Raspberry Pi.
For firebase API and deployment create .env file in root catalog with following
(optional) For openai add this line to .env file
First you have to init certbot to generate new SSL certificates:
$ ./init-letsencrypt.sh
Build dockerfiles:
$ fab build
Start all containers:
$ fab run
To run in development mode:
$ fab purge --names webapp
$ fab run-dev --names webapp
$ fab purge --names johnny
$ fab run-dev --names johnny
Run commands in containers:
$ fab sh
$ fab zsh --docker johnny
To be executed on johnny
Run Johnny Five app with NodeJS server, socket.io server and Arduino connection
make run
Build app
make build
Run app in development mode
make start-dev
To be executed on webapp
Build GUI
make build
Watch GUI
make watch
This command is executed to build webapp with firebase config on Github Actions, before publishing to firebase hosting.
For preparing your Raspberry Pi connection through Node.js with Arduino Uno, You have to upload StandardFirmataPlus on Arduino. For more information please refer to Johnny-Five
Install nodebots-interchange for HCSR04 sensor (change /dev/ttyACM0 to arduino correct interface)
20.03.2023: Removed from package.json "nodebots-interchange": "^2.1.3",
interchange install hc-sr04 -a uno -p /dev/ttyACM0 --firmata
TODO: find a way to install nodebots-hcsr04 on Arduino Mega 2560
For AirPlay install shairport
Install motion for USB webcamera:
sudo apt-get install motion
Useful commands:
sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2
sudo vim /etc/motion/motion.conf
sudo service motion start
TODO: write about flite: https://learn.adafruit.com/speech-synthesis-on-the-raspberry-pi/speak-easier-flite?view=all