Happy Bird is a 2D infinite runner inspired by the notorious addicting game of yesteryear; Flappy Bird
In this Flappy Bird Clone, users will be able to:
- Keep flapping their little wings in order to avoid collisions with obstacles as well as the ground
- Each obstacle successfully avoid will award the player with a point, with the intent of trying to beat their personal best
- Pause the game
In addition, this project will include:
- A modal that will display the score at the end of the game, as well as display the current high score
- A production README
This game will consist of a single screen with game board, mouse controls, as well as links to the Github, and the About The Progammer modal. A Pause button will always be displayed on the upper right hand corner.
This project will be implemented with the following technologies:
for game logicHTML
Canvas elements for effects- A yet to be determined physics engine, or perhaps write my own
to bundle js files.
Day 1: -- Learning -- Goals for the day:
- Learn how to employ the functionality of vanilla Javascript in a gaming context, as well as research viable physics engines
- Learn the basics of incorporating dynamic sprites and cool sound effects
Day 2: -- Implementing Functionality -- Goals for the day:
- Build out the functionality of an infinite scrolling screen
- Build out the functionality of the main sprite (flying, falling, dying) as well as collision detection
- Build out the functionality for the ever encroaching demise in the form of pipes
Day 3: -- Implementing Design -- Goals for the day:
- Look into parallax backdrops
- Research into replacing stock design with custom graphics
- Incorporate sound efx at relevant events
- Find out how to replace my straight lines with branches
- Find out how to replace the background with a Mario-esque background, or something more fitting, I honestly haven't decided how true of a clone I would like to be
Really diverge from the pact and use custom sprites, again dependent on how well I can design digitally and if inspiration hits me through at some point during the exercise
- Make the background Parallax (may have to incorporate a library)
- Incorporate Firebase for a global highscore system