This Project is Checking F5, Checkpoint, Juniper, Cisco,NetScaler devices health status and formatting output as HTML upload to JFrog Artifactory. auto-send email reports to team members daily. Build CI/CD pipeline in AWX with Bitbucket,rapidly respond the change of requirement. make network engineer relax in daily jobs.
- CI/CD tool platform: AWX (Ansible tower)
- tools: Ansible. tmsh, bash command line
- Data format: XML, Yaml, HTML.
- Repo: Github
- Target Devices: F5 Checkpoint Juniper Cisco Router and Switch.
- Auth: Service Account, ansible vault encrypt the passwords and username.
- main.yml: entry of ansible playbook, create log file for everytime runing, call role execute to run network device commands, after save all report in log file, call rolecreate_html and push_artifactory.
- roles: there are roles and tasks in this directory
- library: there is upload artifactory module code.