Speed Op
This is a Ruby on Rails application developed as part of the Ruby on Rails course at Da Vinci Coders under the instruction of Jason Noble.
Team Members:
- Sergey Skumatov
- Jonathan Speek
- Lucas Henderson
- Riley Jones
- Reza Mamdani
A dashboard to compare performance across websites and over time using
Google PageSpeed API. Users are able to login to their dashboard, add sites
track stats over time, download a CSV of their stats, and even download the
optimized and compressed asset files.
Site utilizes Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, the Google and Twitter
OAuth for logins, Google PageSpeed Insights API, and HighCharts API.
Clone the Repo locally
`cd` into that directory
export appropriate keys to .env
`rake db:migrate`
`rails s`
Visit your copy at