🎉 Nouvelle fonctionalité
search: Add new endpoint to search
auth: add apiKeys feature
localisations: Add iso3 as available field
structures: Add "ESGBU" as identifier type
es: Index persons activity
documents: index document url
structures: index closuredate
documents: index document url
structures: index closuredate
structures: Add ringgold as identifier type
structures: Add finess as identifier type
relationTypes: add a grouping variable for gouvernance type grouping
structures: Index GPS coordinates for structures
auth: add boolean for otp requirement
admin: expose isOtpRequired to admin users
jobs: add reindex job api
deletions: Allow admin to delete structures and persons
officialtexts: Admin can delete officialtexts
jobs: add jobs routes
jobs: add export gouvernance job
structures: Add BSO as new weblink type for structure
structures: Add BSO as new weblink type for structure
deletions: Allow admin to delete structures and persons
officialtexts: Admin can delete officialtexts
jobs: add jobs routes
jobs: add export gouvernance job
catalog: Generate lowercase only ids
🐛 Réparation de bug
official-texts: Add publicationDate to elastic index
schemas: MandateReason enum change
search: Enable search with dash
structures: Fix RNSR identifier type
wording: Rename "telephone" into "phonenumber"
localisations: Do not support additional properties any longer
localisations: Return iso3
wording: Rename "prices" into "prizes"
wording: Rename "prices" into "prizes"
doc: Restore alphabetical order for the menu
add middleware
es: Update ES index on nested field change
es: Log aggregation count on Mongo query
es: Boost acronym to top rank the acronym results
enums: id annelis and ALId were refering to the same identifier type. ALId has been deleted
es: Index all identifiers even if inactives
es: Andex all names of a structure
keynumbers: Invert sort on population
search: Set higher score for exact match than for partial match
keynumbers: Delete all keynumbers before bulkWrite and run the job every day at 2 am
search: Set higher score for exact match than for partial match
search: Remove booster on acronyms
keynumbers: Add source field for finance dataset
keynumbers: Return structure source
es: Index user on profile modification
persons: Delete cvHal as identifier type
persons: Clean available identifiers for person
ci: Fix unit tests
search: Enable search on otherNamesEn and otherNamesFr fields
structures: Clean available identifiers for structure
structures: Clean available identifiers for structure /2
keynumbers: Update list of datasets available
auth: change otp expiration
identifiers: Simplify bdd id of identifiers
relations: add mandateTypeGroup to relationTypes light query
identifiers: Display all identifiers including the inactive ones
identifiers: Simplify bdd id of identifiers /2
identifiers: Add soundcloud identifier type for social media
identifiers: Add academia and researchgate identifier type for social media
es: Change GPS field name in mapping
structureLocalisation: update geometry key
root: typo
auth: default otpMethod set to email
assets: ensure urls are saved with https urls in production
documents: Unauthorize document deletion for non accredited users
index: fix structure index query
deletes: Allow search in alternativePaysageIds
setup: Better display setup error message
jobs: Fix fr-gouvernance export
jobs: add descriptions to curiexplore export
structures: No empty legal-category relationship created on structure creation
deletes: Allow search in alternativePaysageIds
setup: Better display setup error message
jobs: Fix fr-gouvernance export
jobs: add descriptions to curiexplore export
ci: Accept merge
🪚 Réamenagement de code
structures: Delete commented line
localisations: current address now correctly set
localisations: current address now correctly set
users: add setOtpRequired method to userRepository
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