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GitOps Workshop



A workshop designed to impart the core principals of GitOps and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) using Ansible, ArgoCD, Tekton, and OpenShift.



The following are requirements for both administrators setting up and facilitating the workshop, as well as attendees participating in the workshop.


For the best possible performance, it is recommended the workshop be conducted on a hosted (either bare-metal or via cloud provider) Red Hat OpenShift 4.x or Kubernetes 1.16+ cluster. However, the following local solutions have been tested and verified to work well enough for small audiences.

Facilitator Usage

Facilitators of this workshop can automatically provision the requisite components using the supplied playbooks. You must have cluster-admin or an administrative role that allows creation and modification of CustomResourceDefinitions and InstallPlans at the cluster scope in order to install the operator components used herein.

Using the Dockerfile

This workshop comes with a Dockerfile defining an environment from which facilitators and participants may execute the Ansible playbooks from this repository. The resulting image of the Dockerfile is available at The simplest way to use the image is:

$ podman pull
$ podman run -v /path/to/gitops-workshop:/projects/gitops-workshop:z -it /bin/sh
>> sh-4.4#
sh-4.4# cd /projects/gitops-workshop
sh-4.4# ls -allh

From there, you may execute ansible-playbook, git, and oc commands described in this workshop.

Building the image from the Dockerfile

Your local machine or cluster may not be able to pull the pre-built image due to policy restrictions. In that case, you may execte the following to build the image via the Dockerfile:

$ podman build -f Dockerfile -t $REGISTRY/gitops-workshop:$TAG

From there, execute the steps defined in the previous section in order to use the image.

Setup the facilitator's local host

The following commands will:

  • Install the requirements for the facilitator's playbook.yaml
  • Install CLI pre-requisite tools (oc, kubectl, argocd)
  • Install the ArgoCD Operator
  • Instantiate/Deploy the sample-app, sample-app-ci, and sample-infra operands

NOTE: If you do not have a kubeconfig file in your workspace, be sure to perform an oc login to your destination cluster from your workspace.

$ cd /path/to/gitops-workshop/ansible
$ ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yaml
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yaml \
  -e kubeconfig=/path/to/kubeconfig \
  -e scope=cluster \ # Alternatively, you can use 'namespace' 
  -e internal_registry=$REGISTRY_NAME \ # Omit this unless using a registry such as Artifactory or Nexus to limit image access
  -e state=present \ # Use 'absent' to undeploy
  -e argo_release_tag=v1.7.1 \
  -e operator_release_tag=v0.0.12

Now we have to update the Tekton pipeline to have the proper GitHub and registry-pull Secrets:

NOTE: If facilitating this workshop yourself, you will need to create your own secrets in the secrets.yaml playbook.

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory secrets.yaml \
  -e kubeconfig=/path/to/kubeconfig \

Enter your ansible-vault password when prompted, and the pipeline service account will be patched with the required Secrets.

Setup Code Ready Workspace

The workshop image specified in the Dockerfile is consumable within Code Ready Workspaces, a devfile called code-ready-workspace.yaml is provided at the root of this repository. To use it, simply execute the steps described here and provide the Devfile URL in the appropriate field rather than from the drop-down list as described in the doc. The Devfile URL for the primary copy of the code-ready-workspace.yaml Devfile is

Alternatively, you may simply copy and paste the contents of code-ready-workspace.yaml into the Devfile editor box in the Custom Workspace creation page.


Apache-2.0. See LICENSE file.


GitOps Workshop environment setup and workshop content







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