If Grails is not installed, run ./grailsw
Configure database etc in /grails-app/conf/
When completed installation and configuration, use grails commandline tool, and run with run-app
When running, call the url http://localhost:8090/airline-external/admin/triggerDatabase to populate database. Wait until call has completed (follow grails commandline debug log)
WSDL's fetchable from: http://localhost:8090/airline-external/services/planedata?wsdl http://localhost:8090/airline-external/services/pilotdata?wsdl
JSON/XML api at: http://localhost:8090/airline-external/api/xml/ http://localhost:8090/airline-external/api/json/
See methods in /grails-app/controllers/.../external/api/ApiController.java Data format in /src/groovy/.../commands/
Use curl or similar tool to call with body data or just web browser with get params like in command object. For ApiController methods.
Old testing script in /doc/ can be used as basis for SOAP calls. For CXF Service methods.