This project has the goal getting the images from the Web Page of Adidas company. Those images will be used for educational purposes, applying in real project the techniques for extrating data from the web The URL of the webpage is
The packages for making the project that I've used are Selenium(API) and lxml Programming Language used is Python
As is the public knowledge, the API-Selenium allow us interact with the web from a console using a programming laguage. The achitecture or structure to use it is in its documentation. So the structure of the project is similar to others.
The difference is how to apply and in which cases. For the present project, due to fact that the web page load only when we scrolldown on it, I used the method
to execute script of JSwindow.scrollTo()
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Once the webpage have loaded, I could download it and using the lxml package with its method Xpath to find the
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The final step is connecting with mongodb to save the images.
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