Funny Bot for Mtgox Bitcoin Auto Transaction
- funny-bot-bitcoin is very fresh and it's strategy is VERY idiotic,
- funny-bot-bitcoin should just your starting point
- You take Full responsibility for Your money and bitcoin.
- You should understand what are you doing when you use funny-bot-bitcoin.
First: Set Yourself Mtgox Key and Secrect in
Then: Run command below:
python bot max_btc max_usd init_action init_price trigger_percent
python bot 2 200 sell 93.73 0.03
* max_btc: max amount of btc to sell every time
* max_usd: max amount of USD($) to buy btc every time
* init_action: action when start, 'sell' or 'buy'
* init_price: price that trigger init_action
* trigger_percent: price change percent to trigger bot action(sell or buy)
init_action(sell/buy).... Sell ==> Buy ==> Sell ==> Buy ==> Sell ==> Buy==> Sell ==> Buy
Every 2 minutes, funny-bot-bitcoin watch the newest price,
when it higher/lower than the init_price, trigger init_action(sell/buy)
After init_action, sell/buy alternately begin the current action
When the newest price higher/lower than previous_price*(1 -/+ trigger_percent),
then trigger the current action(sell/buy)
OR 1/100 Probability trigger the current action whatever the newest price is.
list wallets:
python wallets
list orders:
python orders
cancel all orders:
python cancel_all
current ticker:
python ticker
buy btc:
python buy 1.1 100.10 #buy 1.1 btc price: $100.10
buy btc at the market price:
python buy 1.1 #buy 1.1 btc at the market price
sell btc:
python sell 1.1 100.10 #sell.1 btc price: $100.10
sell btc at the market price:
python sell 1.1 #sell.1 btc at the market price
Bitcoin Address: 14DTHftDBvb1XSigevSYYNGmQ9iA182xor