The Python Discord Bot
- This is a Discord Bot built using rewrite
- Used Exclusively For The S-Race Discord Server, Will Be Available For More Soon!
- Python3, Python3-pip, bs4, discord, random, requests, asyncio, youtube_dl are dependencies needed.
- The token can be manipulated at the bottom of the "" file in the "" function.
- Ban: ban- Specify a user to ban.
- Clear: clear- Clears a specified amount of messages.
- Covid: covid- Displays COVID Info for a specified country.
- FlipCoin: flipcoin- Flips a virtual coin.
- Image: image- Displays a specified image.
- Kick: kick- Kicks a specified user.
- Music:
- join- Joins a voice channel
- play- Plays a file from the local filesystem
- stop- Stops and disconnects the bot from voice
- stream- Streams from a url (same as yt, but doesn't predownload)
- volume- Changes the player's volume
- yt- Plays from a url (almost anything youtube_dl supports)
- Ping: ping- Shows the ping.
- Polls:
- poll- Interactively creates a poll with the following question.
- quickpoll- Makes a poll quickly.
- Unban: unban- Unbans a specified user.
- _8ball: _8ball- Ask 8Ball a question.
- Help: help- shows commands.
- Loading:
- load- Loads a command.
- unload- Unloads a command.