This organization was created for dal computer science students, by dal computer science students. It's open to anyone at dal. Whether you just want to represent dalhousie on your github profile or you have a dal related open source project idea. By default, everyone is given read and write permissions, so feel free to create whatever repository you'd like or contribute to existing repositories.
There are a few purposes to this organiton:
- Represent dalhousie on your github profile.
- Give a spot students can collaborate on their own projects.
- Provide some helpful information, specific to computer science students via READMEs.
Everyone is more than welcome to update an existing repository or create a new one.
For more information on how to join, check out the dalcs/how-to-join
repository, located here.
By default, when you join an organization, your membership's visibility is set to private. To change this, navigate to Find your username, and switch private
to public