It's Sample of CRUD Blog that allows users to Create, Read, Update and Delete blog posts. Using Django as back-End to Handle Database and Django REST Framework to serve REST API for post manipulation in database and also login, logout and identify users through HTTP with Token Authentication system (Json Web Token). Using VueJS 3 as Front-End framework to create a single page applications As well as taking advantage of reactivity of that and also it's Responsive by Bootstrap 5
- nodejs
sudo apt install nodejs
- python (Debian)
sudo apt install python
for other platforms go to this link
Clone the repo
git clone
change directory to frontend and install required packages
cd vueJs-CRUD-blog
change directory to frontend and install required packages
cd frontend && npm install
run development server
npm run serve
if everything goes well and npm development server is running then for the server side start a new terminal:
change directory to backend
cd ../backend
create virtual environment
python -m virtualenv venv
activate venv
source venv/bin/activate
install required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
create database tables
python makemigrations && python migrate
create a super user
python createsuperuser
load sample data
python loaddata data.json
start Django deveopment server
python runserver
if everything goes well go to: http://localhost:8080
if both development servers or up go to home page by http://localhost:8080 You can log in with the username and password you created for your superuser after log in you redirect to students table page you can add or delete any row of table
Any other usage and information served API will find in
Distributed under the GPL License
Sajad Safa - [email protected]
Project Link: