Inspired by CSSConf Nordic 2016 <3
Words to spark your brainstorming for ideas on talk proposals. This is not a list of topics. This is a list of random words to help you start thinking about ideas and concepts you want share at CSSconf Argentina. PRs are welcome.
abstraction, accessibility, animation, architecture, automation
background, base, box model, browsers, buttons, box-shadow, blend-modes
canvas, cascade, collaboration, columns, community, custom properties
debugging, design, development, docs, DOM, dynamic, drag-and-drop
efficiency, embedding, engineering
fallbacks, flexbox, functions, fundamentals, future, first-child, filters
games, git, graphs, granular, grid systems, guidelines, graphics, global
habits, hacks, hierarchy, HTML, history
icons, images, inherit, interaction, input, inline, isolation, internationalization
JavaScript, journey, justify
keyboard, keyword, kilobyte, kerning
language, layout, learning, limitations, loading, ltr/rtl
maintainability, markup, minification, mixins, modules
:nth-child(), :not(), naming, nesting
objects, offline, open source, optimization
patterns, performance, pixels, processors, positioning, portable, progressive enhancement
quality, query, quotes
reset, responsive, resilient, resolution, robust, range, repeat
scalability, selectors, simple, specificity, sprites, standards, SVG, styleguide, syntax, sharing
teams, testing, tools, transition, typography, touch, transform, teaching
unicode, user experience, unicorn
vanilla, variables, vectors, viewport, visibility
webfonts, wireframes, workflow
x, XML, x-position
y, yml, y-position
z, z-index