Each Regale prototype is an integration of non-trivial distributed systems and applications. To facilitate their development and ensure their reproducibility, we propose the use of NixOS-Compose (NXC).
Directory | Description | Status | CI@Grid5000 |
BDPO | demo | PoC (WIP) | - |
BDPO-OAR | demo | PoC (WIP) | - |
EAR | demo | ✅ | |
EXAMON | demo | PoC (WIP) | - |
OAR | demo | ✅ | |
EAR-OAR | base integration | PoC | ✅ |
Melissa-EAR-OAR | demo | (WIP) | - |
OAR-ICCS | demo | (WIP) | ✅ |
- Go https://www.grid5000.fr/w/Grid5000:Get_an_account
- Go to the FORM for academics in France
- Fill the form, for Grid’5000 Access Group field select datamove
- Get some practice: Getting Started page to discover Grid’5000
As repositories in Regale/Tools are private public ssh key must be added to your Gricad-gitlab user profile.
You can use ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
from your Grid'5000's home. This pubkey was automatically generated during your Grid'5000 account generation (it is use to move between sites and connect nodes w/o password).
Alternatively you can generate a new pair of ssh keys. Put then in the https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/-/profile/keys form
- Installation
pip install nixos-compose
- You might need to modify your
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin
- To upgrade
pip install --upgrade nixos-compose
- The following command will install a standalone and static Nix version in
nxc helper install-nix
git clone [email protected]:regale/tools/regale-nixos-compose.git
We take EAR case as example.
We preconise to build on dedicated node not on frontend to avoid its overloading.
# build on dedicated node not on frontend
# reserve one node
oarsub -I
# go to EAR directory
cd reagle-nixos-compose/ear
# build default image (flavour g5k-nfs-store)
nxc build
# reserve some 4 nodes for 2 hours and retrieve $OAR_JOB_ID in one step
export $(oarsub -l nodes=4,walltime=2:0 "$(nxc helper g5k_script) 2h" | grep OAR_JOB_ID)
# deploy (use last built image)
nxc start -m ./OAR.$OAR_JOB_ID.stdout -W
# connect and spawn new tmux with pane for each node
nxc connect
Note: nxc connect can be use to connect to only one node nxc connect . Also nxc connect is really useful only if a minimal set of tmux's key bindings are mastered (like Ctrl-b + Up, Down, Right, Left to change pane, see tmux manul for other key bindings.
Depends of each prototype/integration. See EAR's README for concrete example.
oardel $OAR_JOB_ID
Note: oarstat -u
to list user's jobs.
setup.toml: is a file present in each directory. It allows to apply some selectable parameters for image building, by example to change source for specific application (useful during development or test).
Below example with two setup g5k-dev and laptop selectable by option -s
, e.g. nxc build -s g5k-dev
or nxc build -s laptop
nix-flags = "--impure" # required when source is not committed (here in /home/orichard/ear)
src = "/home/orichard/ear"
nix-flags = "--impure"
src = "/home/auguste/dev/ear"
The entry [g5k-dev.build.nur.repos.kapack.ear]
specify that the source file for EAR is located in /home/orichard/ear
- tmux: It's recommended to use tmux on frontend to cope with connection error between Grid'5000 and the outside.
Launch a new session:
Attach to a previous session (typically after and broken network connection)
tmux a
Display help and keyboard shortcuts:
CTRL-b ?
Some command shortcuts:
CTRL-b " split vertically
CTRL-b % split horizontally (left/right)
CTRL-b left go to pane on the left
CTRL-b right go to pane on the right
CTRL-b up go to pane on the up
CTRL-b down go to pane on the down
CTRL-b x kill current pane
- Redeployment: If the number of nodes is the same or lower than the deployed ones it not needed to submit a new job, just execute a new
nxc start -m NODES_FILE
command withNODES_FILE
contained the apprioate number of machine.