Server that handles mastermind games
If you have Docker and docker-compose installed, just run:
docker-compose up
Default configuration has the server listening on port 8080
This will pull and run 3 containers:
- crunis/mastermind: container with the mastermind api server. Please take a look at the provided Dockerfile to see how this image is built
- library/redis: official redis container image. The mastermind API server stores game information in redis
- library/nginx: official nginx container image. I'm using nginx as a proper gw to our app. It connects to the app using FastCGI.
Don't forget to install all necessary packages:
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
If you execute the app directly you will have to indicate where your Redis server is:
Remember your can quickly launch a local redis server using docker:
docker run -p 6379:6379 redis
REDIS_HOST= python
Default configuration has the server listening on port 8080
This endpoint creates a new game, returning the corresponding game_id.
The API endpoint is:
/games [POST]
This will return a JSON with the game_id of the created game, for example:
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/games
{"game_id": "1533678277959254"}
This endpoint allows to make a guess, and returns the number of blacks and whites obtained.
The API endpoint is:
/games/<game_id>/guess [POST]
guess: string - guess of the code, is a 4-digit string build with the digits 1-6, for example: "1134"
Returns a JSON with the number of black ('b' key) and whites ('w' key). For example:
$ curl -d'{"guess":"5522"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/games/1533678277959254/guess
{"b": 2, "w": 1}
This endpoint returns the full historic of guesses with their responses for a game
The API endpoint is:
/games/<game_id>/historic [GET]
For example:
$ curl http://localhost:8080/games/1533678277959254/historic
{"alphabet": "123456", "length": 4, "historic": [{"ts": 1533676261.8311884, "guess": "1111", "b": 0, "w": 0}, {"ts": 1533676270.8240309, "guess": "2222", "b": 1, "w": 0}, {"ts": 1533676277.741756, "guess": "2233", "b": 0, "w": 1}, {"ts": 1533676298.455014, "guess": "3344", "b": 0, "w": 0}, {"ts": 1533676322.3685536, "guess": "2255", "b": 1, "w": 2}, {"ts": 1533676362.1079507, "guess": "5522", "b": 2, "w": 1}, {"ts": 1533676397.294603, "guess": "2552", "b": 3, "w": 0}, {"ts": 1533676442.2439208, "guess": "6552", "b": 4, "w": 0}]}
alphabet provides the valid digits for the code and length the length of the code. Currently this is always "123456" and 4 digits, but most of the code is ready to support other alphabets and lengths. historic key contains an array with all the guesses, for each entry, it contains ts (timestamp of the guess), the guess made, b, number of blacks, and w, number of whites obtained with that guess.