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Getting Started (1.0)

Mikolaj Tomczynski edited this page Dec 9, 2022 · 1 revision

The GURPS Game Aid's functionality and looks are based on the GURPS Character Sheet (GCS) software created by Richard A. Wilkes. As such, the Game Aid better accommodates users of GCS than users of other GURPS character creation tools such as the GURPS Character Assistant (GCA). While the GGA supports users of both of the above character creation solutions, the available functionality differs dependent on the software of origin of the characters.

Creating new characters

GGA 1.0 onwards allows for the creation and editing of characters entirely within Foundry.

Importing existing characters

For enabling/disabling the "Quick Import" button, see System Settings

For GCS users, your game world can adequately act as a permanent storage location of characters, as GCS and GGA use near-identical data structures, resulting in no data loss when importing or exporting characters. However, those who wish to use GCS files as the permanent storage solution for their characters can do so just as easily.

GCA users should use their .gca or .gca5 files as permanent storage for their character data.

Importing from GCS or GCA

To import existing .gcs files:

  1. Create a new Foundry Actor of type "Character" ("Character (Legacy)" can also be used, but will result in limited editing functionality).
  2. Open the Character Settings window by clicking on the Illuminati Pyramid symbol) on the character sheet's header bar.
  3. Click on "Choose File" to open a file dialog box, and select to the .gcs file you wish to import.
  4. Click on "Import" to import the character.

To import existing GCA4/5 .xml files:

  1. Create a new Foundry Actor of type "Character (Legacy)" ("Character" currently only supports .gcs files).
  2. Open the Character Settings window by clicking on the Illuminati Pyramid symbol) on the character sheet's header bar.
  3. Click on "Choose File" to open a file dialog box, and select to the .xml file you wish to import.
  4. Click on "Import" to import the character.

NOTE: The file dialog box which opens will be different depending on your System Settings.

Re-importing from GCS or GCA

If your .gcs or .xml file is saved in the appropriate location, you can easily re-import a character sheet file after modifying it in an external character creation software. To do so:

  1. Open the Character Settings window by clicking on the Illuminati Pyramid symbol) on the character sheet's header bar.
  2. Click on "Re-import". The filename should match the name of the file you imported previously.

Exporting to GCS

Exporting is only available for actors of type "Character", and will only produce .gcs files used by GCS. To export a Character:

  1. Open the Character Settings window by clicking on the Illuminati Pyramid symbol) on the character sheet's header bar.
  2. Click on "Export". Your browser will either prompt you for a save location, or simply save the file to a default download location. The name of the file will match the Character's name.