Honours Project By Craig Hutcheon for BSc Hons Applied Computing at University of Dundee
This project aims to create a visualization tool to enable users to enter their account structure. This structure can then be Analyzed to allow users to identify weaknesses in their account structure.
Included in this repository is the webapp Account visualiser. This node graphing tool can be used to visualise your account structure with nodes included to represent most of your accounts. Currently analysis is not supported however account structures can be uploaded and downloaded to and from the tool for external analysis.
Currently this tool is live on my website.
Unfortunately this application has limited browser support. To interact with the graph you must have a modern browser with HTML5 support such as Edge, Chrome or Firefox. Safari is not supported. At this time mobile devices are not supported.
This project aims to continue work by MSc Callum Coward.
This Project makes use of D3.js for the graphing functionality and Jasmine for unit testing. UI Design includes use of mdbootstrap and JQuery UI.