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- 支援舊版air client介面 (現在舊版介面已無法使用)
- 新版介面(LCU client) 部份英文化. (可英文選角)
把cef client資料夾內檔案放到遊戲根目錄(ex: C:\GarenaLoLTW),執行Lobby_eng.cmd
如果沒有使用羅技(logitech)的裝置,可以執行Lobby_eng more.cmd
還原中文Lobby_eng_restore.cmd (更新前必要)
兩種介面遊戲的客戶端都一樣 需手動抽取設定檔再修改
Change Garena League of Legends TW locale to English
Change interface to English to get a better champion picking experience.
- air client support is done.
- LCU client is partially Englishized. (champion picking in English is supported)
same game client in both lobby client (can't display Chinese properly)
lol-wad-parser MIT License