class name: data structure programming language: Python
How to run the files:
- Open Command Console
- Use cd to get to the directory where the project files are
- Use “python 1025”
- Server is now running
- Open New Command Console
- Go to project directory again
- Use python 1025 1026 movie.Mjpeg
- A GUI should come up
- Click the setup button
- Click the play button
- Click the pause button
- Click the teardown button when the video finishes running
Instructions on installing PIL imaging library
- Download the Python Imaging Library
- Install PIL to Python 2.7
- Open System Menu I) Go to Start Menu II) Right Click Computer and Hit “Properties” III) Click “Advanced System Settings” IV) Click “Environment Variables” V) Select PATH variable and hit EDIT VI) If PATH variable not present, hit New to add a variable called PATH VII) Add the path to the Python directory as the value of the PATH variable VIII) Now you can use the python command in the Command Console without entering the full filepath every single time
- THREE BUTTON LAYOUT CLIENT Please wait until the console reports that the RTP Listener is dying before executing another command when you execute a Pause or a Stop. Trying to execute any command before this WILL cause instability in the program.