The following profile has to be defined in ~/.m2/settings.xml
or pom.xml
(Preferably in the project or a parent POM)
<name>Repository in local machine</name>
In order to update a file with these characteristics:
File: util-lib.jar
GroupId: com.utils
ArtifactId: util-lib
Version: 1.0
Path to this repository: c:\maven2-repository
mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=com.utils -DartifactId=util-lib -Dversion=1.0 -Dfile=util-lib.jar -Drepo.path=c:/maven2-repository -DrepositoryId=internal.repo -Durl=file://c:/maven2repository
The file deploy-file-to-github.launch can be imported in the Eclipse IDE launch configurations to help with this procedure.
To deploy the current project, call:
mvn deploy -Drepo.path=c:/maven2-repository -DrepositoryId=internal.repo
If the contents have been pushed to GitHub, it will be available configuring the following repositories in a profile in