These scripts perform multiple of different tasks that help monitor the server and send emails after performing functions. To send emails the sendEmail package is required
apt-get install sendemail
Change the following lines in scripts that send emails
MAILFROM is set to determine the server name and domain name for the server and generate and email for it to determine where the email is coming from. This can be changed to specify an email address or you can leave it to generate one.
[email protected] MAILFROM=$(hostaname)@$(dnsdomainname)
This script sends a report based on the log files and settings.
apt-get install logwatch ln -s $(pwd)/00logwatch /etc/cron.daily
This script checks for updates on your Debian based systems. If any updates are found it will download them ready for Installation and an email will be sent to an email address specified
ln -s $(pwd)/check_updates_deb /etc/cron.daily
This script checks for updates on your RPM based systems. If any updates are found it will download them ready for Installation and an email will be sent to an email address specified
ln -s $(pwd)/check_updates_rpm /etc/cron.daily
This scripts backs up mysql databases and rotates the number of backups through seven days.
Specify the user and password that has access to the databases.
ln -s $(pwd)/dbbackup /etc/cron.daily
Sends and email when disk space reaches greater than 90%.
ln -s ${pwd}/ /etc/cron.hourly
This script does an rsync from one folder location to another
ln -s ${PWD}/nasbackup /etc/cron.daily
Script checks mailq size on a postfix system and sends an email when queue size is greater than threshold.
Update variables in scripts to suit your needs.
QUEUELIMIT=75 SUBJECT="Mail Queue on $HOST is currently $QUEUECOUNT" MAILTO="[email protected]"
As root, sudo will not work.
echo "*/5 * * * * ${PWD}/" >> /etc/crontab