STRAP is an package for structural reliability analysis.
STRAP supports 5 reliability analysis.
- First Order Reliability Method (FORM)
- Second Order Reliability Method (SORM)
- Curvature fitting SORM
- Compute failure probability for Breitung & Imporved Breitung formula
- System Reliability
- Matrix-based System Reliability (MSR)
- Approximated by FORM & Dunnett-Sobel(DS) class
- Monte Calro Simulation
- Importance Sampling
- Sample density ~ N( M = weighted sum of design points, S = S_sample ), weight = beta^(-m)
You have to declare some variables to use file.
The variable declaration rule can be checked through the file.
User have to download Scipy, Numpy, and Sympy package to operate.
If you have any questions, please send me an email.