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Comet Infrastructure Deployment: Terraform on GCP

Terraform module for deploying infrastructure components to run CometML.



Infrastructure Deployment:

  • Follow the steps below to deploy directly from the GitHub repository.
    • Clone the repository to your local machine: git clone
    • Move into the deployment directory: cd terraform-gcp-comet
    • Initialize the directory: terraform init
    • Within terraform.tfvars, set your module toggles to enable the desired infrastructure components and set any required environment variables
    • Provision the resources: terraform apply

A note on state management:

  • This configuration stores the Terraform state locally by default. To store the state file remotely in GCS, a backend block can be nested within the terraform block inside if applying directly from this configuration, or within your terraform block if calling the module. Below is an example of such a configuration:
terraform {
  backend "gcs" {
    bucket  = "tf-state-prod"
    prefix  = "terraform/state"
  • More on state management in GCS can be found here


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
google ~> 4.51
kubernetes ~> 2.10
null ~> 3.1
random ~> 3.0


Name Version
google 4.74.0


Name Source Version
comet_gke ./modules/comet_gke n/a
comet_lb ./modules/comet_lb n/a
comet_memorystore ./modules/comet_memorystore n/a
comet_mysql ./modules/comet_mysql n/a
comet_s3 ./modules/comet_s3 n/a
comet_vm ./modules/comet_vm n/a
comet_vpc ./modules/comet_vpc n/a


Name Type
google_client_config.default data source
google_compute_regions.available data source


Name Description Type Default Required
comet_vpc_name Name for the existing VPC that resources will be provisioned in string null no
comet_vpc_subnet_name Name for the existing subnet that resources will be provisioned in string null no
comet_vpc_zones Compute zones to use within the region list(string) null no
db_assign_public_ip Enables giving the master instance a public IP address bool true no
db_deletion_protection Used to block Terraform from deleting a SQL Instance bool false no
db_instance_tier The tier for the master instance string "db-n1-standard-16" no
db_password Password for database user account string null no
db_random_instance_name Sets random suffix at the end of the Cloud SQL resource name bool true no
db_user Name for database user account string "cometml" no
db_version The database version to use string "MYSQL_8_0" no
enable_gke Toggles the comet_gke module, to provision GKE resources for running Comet bool n/a yes
enable_lb Toggles the comet_lb module, to provision an application load balancer for the Comet VM bool n/a yes
enable_memorystore Toggles the comet_memorystore module, to provision a Redis instance for Comet bool n/a yes
enable_mysql Toggles the comet_mysql module, to provision Google Cloud SQL resources for Comet bool n/a yes
enable_s3 Toggles the comet_s3 module, to provision a Google Cloud Storage bucket for Comet S3 bool n/a yes
enable_vm Toggles the comet_vm module, to provision a Google Compute Engine VM for Comet bool n/a yes
enable_vpc Toggles the comet_vpc module, to provision a new VPC for hosting the Comet resources bool n/a yes
environment Name for the Comet environment, for use in resource naming string "prod" no
gke_create_service_account Enables creation of a GKE cluster service account bool true no
gke_enable_cost_allocation Enables cost allocation tracking in the GKE cluster bool false no
gke_enable_vertical_pod_autoscaling Enables vertical pod autoscaling in the GKE cluster bool false no
gke_filestore_csi_driver Enables the Filestore CSI driver in the GKE cluster bool false no
gke_horizontal_pod_autoscaling Enables horizontal pod autoscaling in the GKE cluster bool true no
gke_http_load_balancing Enables the load balancer controller in the GKE cluster bool true no
gke_kubernetes_version Kubernetes version to use in the GKE cluster string "latest" no
gke_network_policy Enables network policy usage in the GKE cluster bool false no
gke_network_policy_provider Network policy provider to use in the GKE cluster string "CALICO" no
gke_nodepool_auto_repair Enables GKE nodepool autorepair bool true no
gke_nodepool_auto_upgrade Enables GKE nodepool autoupgrade bool true no
gke_nodepool_disk_size_gb Disk size for GKE nodes number 100 no
gke_nodepool_disk_type Disk type for GKE nodes string "pd-standard" no
gke_nodepool_enable_gcfs Enables GCFS on GKE nodepool bool false no
gke_nodepool_enable_gvnic Enables GVNIC on GKE nodepool bool false no
gke_nodepool_image_type OS image type for GKE nodes string "COS_CONTAINERD" no
gke_nodepool_local_ssd_count Number of local SSDs to provision with GKE nodes number 0 no
gke_nodepool_machine_type VM machine type for the GKE nodes string "n1-standard-8" no
gke_nodepool_max_count Maximum count of nodes in the GKE nodepool number 3 no
gke_nodepool_min_count Minimum and target count of nodes in the GKE nodepool number 1 no
gke_nodepool_preemptible Sets GKE nodes as preemptible bool false no
gke_nodepool_spot Enables using spot VMs for GKE nodes bool false no
gke_pods_cidr Secondary network CIDR block for the VPC, to be used for GKE pods string "" no
gke_pods_cidr_name Name of the secondary CIDR block to be used for GKE pods string null no
gke_regional Enables provisioning the GKE cluster with the regional architecture bool true no
gke_release_channel Sets the release channel for the cluster string "STABLE" no
gke_remove_default_node_pool Sets the cluster default GKE nodepool to be removed when the cluster is created bool false no
gke_services_cidr Secondary network CIDR block for the VPC, to be used for GKE services string "" no
gke_services_cidr_name Name of the secondary CIDR block to be used for GKE services string null no
lb_backend_enable_cdn Enables using CDN load balancer bool false no
lb_backend_instance_group Compute managed instance group to serve as backend for the load balancer string null no
lb_backend_service_logging Enables logging for the load balancer requests to backend bool false no
lb_backend_timeout_sec Timeout in seconds for backend connections number 10 no
lb_cloudnat_router_name Name of the router used for Cloud NAT string null no
lb_enable_iap_config Enables using identity-aware proxy with the load balancer bool false no
lb_enable_ssl Enables SSL support on the load balancer bool false no
lb_health_check_logging Enables logging for the load balancer health checks bool false no
lb_logging_sample_rate Sample rate for the backend logging number 1 no
lb_managed_ssl_certificate_domains Google-managed SSL certificates for specified domains. Requires lb_enable_ssl to be set to true and lb_use_provided_ssl_certificates set to false list(string) [] no
lb_provided_ssl_certificates List of existing SSL certificates to use for the load balancer list(string) [] no
lb_use_provided_ssl_certificates If true, use the certificates provided from lb_provided_ssl_certificates bool false no
memorystore_instance_tier Memorystore instance tier string "BASIC" no
memorystore_maintenance_day Day to allow maintenance window for Memorystore instance string "SATURDAY" no
memorystore_maintenance_start_hour Starting hour for Memorystore maintenance window number 0 no
memorystore_maintenance_start_min Starting minute for Memorystore maintenance window number 30 no
memorystore_memory_size_gb Amount of memory for the Memorystore instance number 32 no
memorystore_redis_version Redis version for the Memorystore instance string "REDIS_6_X" no
project_id ID of the project that resources will be provisioned in string n/a yes
region Region that resources will be launched in string "us-east1" no
s3_existing_bucket_name Name of an existing storage bucket to use with Comet; only used with enable_s3 set to false string "no-bucket" no
s3_force_destroy Setting to allow storage bucket to be deleted while still holding objects bool false no
s3_storage_class Storage bucket class string "STANDARD" no
s3_uniform_bucket_level_access Enables uniform bucket level access bool true no
s3_versioning Enables versioning for objects in the storage bucket bool false no
vm_disk_auto_delete Enables the storage disk on the VM to be automatically deleted on VM deletion bool false no
vm_disk_size_gb Size in GB for storage disk string "1000" no
vm_disk_type Storage disk type for the VM string "pd-standard" no
vm_enable_ssh Set to allow SSH traffic to the VM bool true no
vm_machine_type Machine type for the VM string "n1-standard-16" no
vm_source_image_family Operating system family for the VM string "ubuntu-2204-lts" no
vpc_subnet_cidr Network CIDR block for the provisioned VPC subnet string "" no
vpc_subnet_flow_logs Enables flow logs for the provisioned VPC bool false no
vpc_subnet_private_access Enables resources in VPC without public IPs to access Google APIs and services bool true no


Name Description
comet_gke_cluster Name of the GKE cluster
comet_gke_configure_kubectl Configure kubectl: run the following command to update your kubeconfig with the newly provisioned cluster
comet_gke_nodepools Names of the nodepools in the GKE cluster
comet_gke_sa_hmac_access_id Access ID of the HMAC key created for the cluster service account
comet_gke_sa_hmac_secret Secret of the HMAC key created for the cluster service account
comet_gke_service_account Service account used by the GKE nodes
comet_lb_external_ip External IP address for the VM load balancer
comet_memorystore_host Hostname or IP address of the exposed Redis endpoint used by clients to connect to the service
comet_memorystore_name ID of the Redis instance
comet_memorystore_port The port number of the exposed Redis endpoint
comet_mysql_connection_name The connection name of the MySQL instance to be used in connection strings
comet_s3_storage_bucket_name Name of the storage bucket
comet_s3_storage_bucket_url Base URL of the storage bucket
comet_vm_instance_group URL of the managed instance group created for the Comet VM
comet_vm_instance_sa_hmac_access_id Access ID of the HMAC key created for the instance service account
comet_vm_instance_sa_hmac_secret Secret of the HMAC key created for the instance service account
comet_vm_instance_service_account Service account used by the VM
comet_vm_instance_template Name of the VM instance template created for the Comet VM
comet_vpc_name Name of the VPC created for Comet
comet_vpc_subnet_name Name of the subnet created in the Comet VPC


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