COLMENA (COLaboración entre dispositivos Mediante tecnología de ENjAmbre) aims to ease the development, deployment, operation and maintenance of extremely-high available, reliable and intelligent services running seamlessly across the device-edge-cloud continuum. It leverages a swarm approach organising a dynamic group of autonomous, collaborative nodes following an agile, fully-decentralised, robust, secure and trustworthy open architecture.
This work is co-financed by the COLMENA project of the UNICO I+D Cloud program that has the Ministry for Digital Transformation and of Civil Service and the EU-Next Generation EU as financing entities, within the framework of the PRTR and the MRR. It has also been supported by the Spanish Government (PID2019-107255GB-C21), MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 (CEX2021-001148-S), and Generalitat de Catalunya (2021-SGR-00412).