Steem Compare allows you to easily see account information on multiple accounts at once. Enter a custom list of users or use the follower compare tool.
If you would like to setup this project locally
git clone
open index.html
There are currently no build tools or pre-processing in use so you can edit main.css/main.js directly and refresh in the browser to see updates or use a local server like node http-server module.
A couple features spring to mind to add next -
- filtering after search e.g ( over 50rep, less than 1000sp)
- Highlighting if powering down.
- if the user is re-investing or sending to exchange.
- if the user uses upvote/bot accounts
- minify setup build tools
- save/track individual user or groups to see change in stats
- Branding/Design/Custom URL
- Average Weekly rewards
- latest rewards
- Average user engagement
- User Compare Page
- New user stats (average post likes/comments & average word Count)
- Share via url
- History state with searches
- create modules for JS
- add query to check for active steem server
- Add Sorting (reputation, effective SP, account value, post count, followers and account age)
- Responsive Updates sm + lg fixes
- New Metric - Relative Account Age
- Hero Design/UI updates
- Inital Project Build
The project is built onto of the fantastic steem-js library. Shout out to @stoodkev for his steemjs tutorials.