The Watch Auditor is a tool that ensures that measures watch misses between Pepr and the kube-apiserver
. The soak test is configured to delete pods from the pepr-demo
namespace. The Watch Auditor deploys pods at an interval and checks to see if Pepr properly deleted them and reports any failures through Prometheus metrics.
NOTE Watch Auditor needs amd64 image for GitHub Actions.
docker buildx create --use --name prod-builder --driver docker-container
make build-push-prod-image
The Watch Auditor is configured through args in the Deployment's container spec.
Start the server
watch-auditor serve [flags]
-e, --every duration Interval to check in seconds (default 30s)
-h, --help help for serve
-l, --log-level string Log level (debug, info, error) (default "info")
-p, --port int Port to listen on (default 8080)
-n, --namespace string Namespace to check (default "pepr-demo")
watch_controller_failures_total 10
Deploy Dev Environment:
make deploy-dev
Check Dev Logs:
make check-logs
Check Dev Metrics:
make check-metrics
Clean up Dev Environment:
make clean-dev
unit tests:
make unit-test
integration tests:
make e2e-test