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rename benchmark

rename benchmark #16

Workflow file for this run

name: Rust TPC-H Benchmarks
# Do NOT run this workflow on pull request since this workflow has permission to modify contents.
- main
- continuous-bench-attempt
# deployments permission to deploy GitHub pages website
deployments: write
# contents permission to update benchmark contents in gh-pages branch
contents: write
name: Run Rust benchmark example
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Setup Rust.
- run: rustup toolchain install stable --profile minimal --no-self-update
# Make sure to use cached compilation objects if they exist.
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
# Run the benchmark and store the result in `output.txt`.
- name: Run benchmark
run: cargo bench --bench planner_bench tpch/ -- --output-format bencher | tee output.txt
# Run the `github-action-benchmark` action.
- name: Store benchmark result
uses: benchmark-action/github-action-benchmark@v1
name: TPC-H Planning and Execution Benchmark
tool: "cargo"
output-file-path: output.txt
gh-pages-branch: gh-pages
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# Automatically push the results to the GitHub pages branch.
auto-push: true
# Show alert with commit comment on detecting possible performance regression.
alert-threshold: "125%"
summary-always: true
comment-on-alert: true
fail-on-alert: true
alert-comment-cc-users: "@connortsui20"
# Push to dedicated benchmark result repository.
# gh-repository: "" # TODO NOT WORKING