An app that lets you create and then eat burgers in "real" time using MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars, and a homemade ORM!
This app looks, tastes, and smells like a burger (you might have to take my word for it, since technology isn't quite there yet). Yum!
First, download the files from this repository, then open the terminal. Inside the folder, use 'npm init' to initialize npm package, then 'npm i' to install dependencies.
Navigate to the db folder and get into the mysql command line. Here you can call 'source schema.sql' and 'source seeds.sql' to run the mysql databse.
Your project is ready for use!
This application is invoked by entering 'node index.js' into the terminal. Then navigating to the localhost server specified in the app (Port 8989).
Alternatively, you can just click this link, to be brought to the deployed Heroku app.
In this app, you will be able to add burgers to the "Ready for Consumption" column, and when you're ready to eat them, just click "Eat It!". This will move the burger into the devoured column!
This project was created by Christina Moss.
Email: [email protected]