Simple WBXML encoder and decoder intended for ActiveSync messages. Supported are tags, codepages, inline strings and opaque data. Opaque data however, is only processed during decoding and will be added as base64 encoded CDATA content.
npm install aswbxml
xml2js-style formatted object
code page name (string), e.g.: 'ActiveSync'
wbxml data (Buffer)
code page name (string), e.g.: 'ActiveSync'
var fs = require('fs'),
xml2js = require('xml2js'),
aswbxml = require('aswbxml');
var contents = fs.readFileSync('./myActiveSyncRequest.xml',
{encoding: 'utf8'});
xml2js.parseString(contents, function(err, res) {
// handle error
var binaryRep = aswbxml.encode(res, 'ActiveSync');
Easy as pie.. just fork and add your own code pages in ./lib/pages