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Base PHP images ClinGen Workflow Infrastructure projects

These PHP images are intended to include some necessary extensions used by apps developed by this team, and also to enable running as a non-root user (e.g., to be compatible with run in OpenShift). is used for packages for PHP and PHP extensions.

Images are auto-generated on push to main (and with semver tags) and have images names like cgwi-php-${DEBIAN_VERSION}-${PHP_VERSION}

How to use

These are intended to be used as part of a combined image with PHP code (e.g., something based on the Laravel framework), available in the /srv/app directory. The image contains both nginx and php-fpm packages, so it's possible to run both from the same image (although typically in different containers). By default (defined in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf), nginx will look to app:9000 as the upstream for PHP-FPM. You might need to change that (e.g., to a socket) if nginx and the app are run in the same host/pod, or if you are in a namespace with more than one fpm backend (like a dev and prod). The easiest way to do this is probably by overlay on _upstream-fpm.conf

If you're running using docker-compose or kubernetes, you can use an entrypoint like php-fpm${PHP_VERSION} -F -O to run the php-fpm pool and one like /usr/sbin/nginx -g "daemon off;" run the nginx process.


ClinGen Workflow Infrastructure base PHP images





