Apache Camel is a powerful Spring based Integration Framework.
Apache Camel can be used as a routing and mediation engine for the following network framework projects:
* Apache MINA
* Jboss Netty
But if you want to use the Glassfish Grizzly Framework your out of luck unless you write your own component. So, this project is here to solve that problem and provide a Grizzly Camel Component.
I used Maven mostly for dependency management & package automation.
$ mvn clean package
You can find the repository at: http://github.com/cdollins/camel-grizzly
Issues can be submitted at: http://github.com/cdollins/camel-grizzly/issues
I'd really like to hear your feedback, and I'd love to receive your pull-requests!
- Too much to even list here at the moment.
Copyright (c) 2010 Chad Dollins. See LICENSE for details.