DoAI is the Development Operation and Artificial Intelligence
This is the learning path every new Cloud Data Architect has to follow when joining the XPeppers Cloud team. This path reflects our team's culture and values, which have their roots in the agile values and principles.
- Flat Organizations:
- Read chapters 1, 4, 5, 7 of XP Explained
- Read chapters 2, 6 of XP Explained
- Iterative and Incremental Development:
- Waterfall
- Agile
- Transition
- Waterfall
- For italian speakers, Watch "Perché è così difficile fare Extreme Programming" by Matteo Vaccari
- Pair Programming
- Agile Mindset:
- What Exactly is the Agile Mindset?
- What Exactly is the Agile Mindset?
- Read The Pomodoro Technique paper
- Read first chapter of "Applying UML and Patterns"
- Try to estimate the time needed to study that chapter (using the pomodoro technique)
- Answer (for example on the team's wiki pages)
- What is analysis?
- What is design?
- What's the difference between them?
- What is design for?
- in other words, how would you reply to the following statement: "I just need to understand what to do (analysis) and then do it (coding). Everything else does not matter!"
Table of Contents
Please feel free to fork and contribute, add materials, fix the existing ones and propose new stuff.
During all the plan read The Phoenix Project.
- Basic Python
- Object-oriented Programming
- Python course by Analytics Vidhya
- Python Regular Expressions
- RE Cheat Sheet
- Git
- Shell Script
- Competitive: Starway to Orione Dev
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- Linear Algebra
- Calculus
- Descriptive Statistics
- Data Distributions
- Convolutions
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Regression
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- Evaluating and Exploring data in Python
- Jupyter
- Anaconda
- Zeppelin
- Notebook Alternative
- Scientific libraries in Python
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Scipy
- Scikit-learn
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Dask
- Apache Spark
- Spark & Hadoop Developer
- Statsmodels
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- Google Crash Course
- Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow
- Interpretable Machine Learning
- Blog & Articles:
- Algorithms
- Evaluation Metrics
- Homeworks
- Extra:
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- Dive into Deep Learning
- Practical Deep Learning for Coders
- Activation Functions
- Linear Layer
- CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks)
- RNN (Recurrent Neural Networks)
- Optimization
- Loss Functions / Objective Functions
- Dropout
- Batchnorm
- Learning Rate Scheduler
- Frameworks:
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- Machine Learning Lens
- Book: Data Science on AWS
- AWS Machine Learning Stack
- More AWS Services:
- Utils:
- Python for DevOps
- Boto3
- CloudFormation
- Data Science SDK
- Scala Data Quality | Python Data Quality
- Terraform
- Troposhpere
- Goformation
- Aws Data Wrangle
- Training and Certification
- Competitive: Starway to Orione Cloud
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- What is MLOps
- MLOps Overview
- Feature Store:
- Version Control System for Machine Learning
- SageMaker MLOps
- DevOps for Machine Learning
- Workshop:
- Competitive: Awesome MLOps
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A more specific section about some Machine Learning Fields.
- Introduction to NLP
- Reading Comprehension
- Question Answering on the SQuAD Dataset
- BERT Explained
- Transformers
- SpaCy
- Learning to Rank
- Natural Language Processing with Python
- Unsupervised Translation of Programming Languages
- Perplexity and BLEU Score metrics
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- What Are Recommender Systems
- Matrix Factorization
- How does Netflix recommend movies using Matrix Factorization
- Collaborative filtering
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- Reinforcement Learning Introduction
- Videos:
- Reinforcement Learning on AWS: