- Go to: https://chiragkhatri.me/compound-liquidator/
- You will see a list of accounts. The ones that have a state "unhealthy" are usually liquidable.
- Click inspect and you should see a more detailed screen.
- Note liquidating is disabled if account liquidity > 1 it will say so at the top of the screen
- You might see a bunch of check marks, this is because for the liquidation to work you must first approve the underlying token (DAI) for example to interact with the cDAI smart contract.
- Before you can utilize these tokens, to repay or retrieve they must be enabled.
- Click on the checkmark and approve the transaction. This will only cost gas, nothing else. It will say 'approval' at the top of the transaction (if you're using metamask)
- Once it's approved the checkmark will turn into a circle which can be selected
- Once you have selected a asset to repay and an asset to retrieve you can adjust the slider at the bottom to change the amount you're paying back
- Once you've selected your amount click the repay button
- A transaction will pop up, for this transaction to succeed you will need that much underlying in the same account as the account you're sending the transaction from.
- Once the transaction goes through if it's success you will get the amount of cToken sent to your address, you can check your amounts using the compound.finance site.
- Automate this for all the gains.