Very basic command line tool for interacting with RealHosting PowerPanel.
DISCLAIMER: I'm not affiliated with RealHosting in any way, this library is not supported by RealHosting. Please note that the PowerPanel API is currently not public and may change at any moment. No warranties. Usage of this tool might completely ruin your DNS settings.
Run composer install
to get dependencies.
Copy and configuration file cp config.yml.dist config.yml
and put your PowerPanel email and password.
Run php pp-tool
to get a list of all possible commands.
– List all domainsdns:show
– Show DNS records for a domaindns:update
– Update a DNS record for a domain (does not create new records!)dns:migrate
– Migrate all IP addresses in all DNS records for a domain
Run php pp-tool help <command-name>
to get a list of parameters for a command.