Project 4.1 of COP 5536 Distributed Operating System Principles.
The goal of this project was to learn about internal workings of bitcoin and implement them in Elixir with the help of Erlang's crypto library. The requirements for the first part of the project were as follows -
- Implement enough of the bitcoin protocol to be able to
- Mine bitcoins(For mining, make sure you set the threshold low so you can mine very fast (milliseconds to seconds))
- Implement wallets (enough to get the other goals)
- Transact bitcoins.
- Write test cases verifying the correctness for each task. Specifically, you need to
- write unit test (for focused functionality such as correct computation of the hashes)
- functional tests (simple scenarios in which a transaction happens between two participants).
- Bonus: Implements more bitcoin "features" for part I (+20%)
Project 4.2
- Finish the distributed protocol
- Implement a simulation with at least 100 participants in which coins get mined and transacted.
- Implement a web interface using the Phoenix that allows access to the ongoing simulation using a web browser (need to use the matching JavaScript library that allows Phoenix messages to be received in the browser). For charting, you can use Charts.js or any other charting library. As part of the simulation, capture various metrics and send them via Phoenix to the browser. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- Implement various mining/transacting scenarios and describe them and their results in your README.
- Mining Blocks/Bitcoins
- Mine genesis block by setting initial difficulty bits to
- Create a candidate block for mining from the blockchain
- Mine the candidate block by using the calculated difficulty by reaching the specified difficulty
- The block contains a coinbase transaction which will give bitcoins to the block owner
- When the block is mined it is broadcasted to the network
- Consensus is achieved when the nodes accept the block
- Mine genesis block by setting initial difficulty bits to
- Wallets
- Generated private key of the wallet based on a random seed
- Generated public key of the wallet based on Elliptic curve cryptography algorithm
- Generated Base58Check encoded Bitcoin address using the public key
- Assists in creating new transactions by accumulating user's unspent transaction outputs from the block chain
- Transactions
- Creating transactions, using unspent transaction outputs form the block chain
- Broadcasting Transactions over a P2P chord network, providing support for transactions between multiple nodes.
- Maintaining and updating valid and orphan transaction pools while a block is being mined.
- Validate Transactions based on the following criteria:
- Structure and field values of transactions
- Transaction is not a duplicate
- Transaction inputs and outs are unique and not empty
- For each input, referenced output exists. If not, put the transaction in orphan pool.
- For each input, referenced output is unspent.
- Inputs and outputs totals are between 0 and 21 million Btc
- Sum(inputs) > sum(outputs). difference is fees
- Unlocking script of Transaction inputs validate the locking scripts of corresponding referenced transaction outputs.
- Phoenix Web interface
- Visualize the metrics of the simulation on Phoenix using Chart.js
- Metrics include graphs of:
- Height of blockchain
- Bitcoin in circulation
- Mining Difficulty
- Transactions per block
- Simulation executed on 100 participants
- Various transaction and mining scenarios like forks in blockchain, orphan blocks and transactions, invalid transactions, invalid blocks have been tested in test cases.
- Forks in blockchain
The blockchain forks result in inconsistent chain across nodes. In order to reach consensus, we wait for one more block in order to confirm main chain.
Results : It was observed and tested that the forks were resolved after one additional block
- Orphan Transactions
Incoming transactions are checked for the transaction inputs and if its present in chain it is put in transaction pool else the transaction is put in orphan pool and awaits confirmation before being added to the block.
Result : This is a very rare occurance. However, orphan transactions are maintained in the orphan pool and transactions with each reference present in the chain are added to the candidate block for mining.
- Difficulty
We set the difficulty to be changed after every 10 blocks. Based on initial difficulty we set the average time required to mine one block at 10 secs. If the network required longer to mine the block, the difficulty decreases and converse is true as well.
Result : As observed in the phoenix web interface the difficulty is adjusted every 10 blocks and follows a step pattern.
- Invalid transactions
Based on a large set of conditions mentioned in the bitcoin literature validation of transaction is performed at every block. If the transaction is invalid the transaction is rejected by the block and not included in the candidate block for mining. Also it won't be propogated through the network.
Result : It can be observed on the console that only valid transactions are included in the blockchain.
- Invalid Blocks
Any incoming block with invalid transactions, structure or not having proof of work is rejected and not added to the blockchain.
Result : It can be observed on the console that only valid blocks are included in the blockchain.
- Merkle tree for constructing the merkle root of the block header and getting a authentication path for a transaction in order to facilitate light weight nodes
- Bloom filter to filter out transactions in the blocks. Used in transaction validations and checking for unspent outputs
- Base58 and Base58Check encoding for Bitcoin Wallet's public address
- Validating the block for correctness
- Expressing the difficulty of the block in "compact form"
- Broadcast of the block and transaction using Chord peer to peer network implemented in previous project. Implemented effiecient broadcast in a structured peer to peer network based on this white paper
- Adjust difficulty of the block dynamically by calculating the average time required to mine
10 blocks
; We are assuming it takes1 second
to mine1 block
in this simulation and the difficulty will be adjusted if the average is above or below that. - Implemented
for transactions in which we verify the signature of the recipient of the bitcoin using locking and unlocking
scripts. Can be extended to implementPay2PublicHash
- Forking Blockchains in case of receiving two or more blocks of same height.
Type the following command in your terminal
cd bitcoin_clone
Type the following commands in your terminal
git clone
cd bitcoin_clone
You will need Elixir to run this project. To install elixir follow instructions given on Elixir website
Type the following commands in your terminal
mix deps.get
mix compile
You can run the tests with coverage using the command:
mix test --trace --cover
You can view the coverage details in the cover/
Functional tests can be executed using
mix test test/bitcoin/functional_test.exs
- Blocks
Creating a candidate block correctly Test case to check whether the candidate block has correct data structure and all relevant fields are present. This test case checks whether a candidate block for mining can be obtained.
Calculating Target for the block Test case to check whether the target provided in the block data structure in terms of bits is being calculated correctly
Checking when to retarget for a block Test case to check if the retargeting of the block is taking place when a specific depth of the blockchain is reached
Checking the validity of the block Test case to check validity of the block which is based on -
- Whether the data structure is valid
- Whether the target for the block has been reached
- Blockchain data structure
- Creating a new instance of the blockchain
- Adding blocks to block chain
- Getting the top most block in a chain
- Sorting the chain according to a given field. It may be timestamp or height
- Forks a chain into to chains This test case checks that a correct forking of the chain takes place when a new block comes in which causes a fork
- Blockchain process
- Sync operation of the blockchain with other peers
- Operations to perform in the event of getting a new block:
- When a new block belongs in the main chain it will extend the main chain
- When a new block causes a fork in the main chain, it will create forks out of the main chain
- When a new block extends a fork, that fork will be the main chain now
- When a new block does not belong in either fork or main chain it is a orphan
- When a new block is a parent of one of the orphan
- Mining process
- Mining a block with lesser difficulty will take less time as compared to that with more difficulty. The difficulty increases exponentially
- Transaction Test
Creating a transaction Test case to create a new valid transaction according to the rules of valid transaction
Checking whether a transaction is correctly broadcasted Test case to check whether a transaction broadcast has taken place and the transaction is present in the transaction pool
Checking whether utxo required for a transaction are collected
Invalidating duplicate transactions
Checking whether reusing a spent transaction causes an error
Checking the unlocking script for the transaction which checks the signature of the transaction
- Utilities test
- Test cases for Bloom filters
- Test cases for Conversions between number systems
- Test cases for correct generation of keys in elliptic curve cryptography
- Test cases for merkle tree
- Test cases for stack
- Test cases for scripting utility
- Functional test
A test case to check the simultaneous working of the mining and transactions processes. A simple scenario in which nodes are solving a mining problem and transactions are being broadcasted.
- Pulkit Tripathi
- Akash Shingte