Unfortunately soundsniffer.chrisport.ch is currently offline, due to expiration of Google Cloud Platform trial. Redeployment might be considered in the future.
Recognize tracks within a DJ set from Soundcloud and Youtube.
The goal of this project is particularly to extract track ids out of DJ sets on soundcloud.
Link + timestamp --> track id
For example:
--> Lemurian - 222
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDWEz1mia1I and t=9m
--> Matt Elliott - C.f. bundy
workingdir is src folder
running the webserver
go run webserver.go
Requesting trackID
GET http://localhost:3000/recognise?url=<soundcloud url>&t=<timestamp>
supported timestamp formats are:
- 1h20m15s (= 80m20s = 4815s)
- 1:20:15
GET http://localhost:3000/recognise?url=https://soundcloud.com/elbuhoofficial/tecolotin&t=1m20s
time in seconds
./run.sh https://soundcloud.com/elbuhoofficial/tecolotin 80
- avoid downloading whole file from soundcloud
- automate deployment (terraform)