Extract Autopi data into google sheets
In tools/script editor paste the code from autopi.js (you will need to change email and password)
Chang/add/remove defintions const RPM = "rpm". If you dont not need the RPM PID remove this line. If you want to change the name change both the RPM and lower case value (which should reflect the pid)
You can duplicate this line as often as you need to add new pid's.
const TPR = 'tpr'
To add the new/changed/deleted items in the array to be processed on process ALL add/change/remove from the array
let pidList = [RPM,BBM,TPR]
If you would like to change/add/remove menu items adjist the code in the follwing block
SpreadsheetApp.getUi() .createMenu("Refresh Data from AutoPi") .addItem("Refresh RPM data", "retrieveRPM") .addItem("Refresh BBM data", "retrieveBBM") .addItem("Refresh ALL data", "retrieveALL") .addToUi();
SpreadsheetApp.getUi() .createMenu("Refresh Data from AutoPi") .addItem("Refresh RPM data", "retrieveRPM") .addItem("Refresh BBM data", "retrieveBBM") .addItem("Refresh TPR data", "retrieveTPR") .addItem("Refresh ALL data", "retrieveALL") .addToUi();
Add / remove functions like retrieveRPM
function retrieveTPR(){ retrieveAutoPi(TPR); }
Save changes in the google sheet
Reload the page the spreadsheet is one (close it/reopen , reload the page)
You should see the Refresh Data from AutoPi menu item