A java client to push UDP messages to a local dogstatd.
Javadoc and build reports are available.
- Minimal latency in the mainline processing
- Some, but not extreme buffering of outgoing messages
- Non-blocking write of UDP message
- Thread-safe sender
- Lack of dogstatd collector will be noted, but not cause failure of mainline processing
- A local (on the same host) dogstatd collector
- Firing a UDP message per application event will be cheaper than in-process aggregation of events
To include dogstatd-client in your maven build, use the following fragment in your pom.
// you only need a single instance, Sender is thread safe and send method does not block caller
static public final Sender METRICS = new Sender();
METRICS.send(new Histogram("histogram.name", latency);
METRICS.send(new Gauge("round", i, tag));
METRICS.send(new Counter("pi", 3.14));
METRICS.send(new Event("title", "message", "tag1", "tag2"));
- Added public constructors for Event
- Added public constructors for ServiceCheck
- Metric changed to abstract
- Tags changed to package protected
- Validator changed to package protected