This is a common repository for input files used in journal and conference papers.
Sharing input files and git hashes is a crucial step in letting other researchers reproduce (and perhaps build on) computer simulations that were run using chombo-discharge. Each folder in this repository represents a single published research item, and other users should be able to pull the application directly out of the folder and compile and run it.
Make sure that the following information is available for each item:
- The journal information, e.g. title, DOI, and list of authors. Include a bib-file if possible and, if permitted by redistribution rights, a pdf version of the publication item.
- The compilable file and the associated makefile.
- All input-scripts, including transport data.
- The git hash used when running the computer simulatinos.
- All meta-data and extranous information relevant to the computer simulation. This includes, but is not limited to, changing git hashes during simulation runs, use of checkpoint-restart functionality or run-time enabled configurations, simulation setup, computational hardware, post-processing procedures etc.