If you are familiar with CxFlow for Checkmarx SAST, you will be familiar with the role of CxOneFlow.
For those that have not used CxFlow with Checkmarx SAST, CxOneFlow is a scan orchestrator that executes multiple source code analysis scans. It is driven by web hook events coming from a source control system.
CxOneFlow is not intended to ever reach feature parity with CxFlow. Many CxFlow features will not apply to Checkmarx One scanning. CxOneFlow currently orchestrates scans via webhook events for push and pull-requests involving protected branches. CxOneFlow itself does not create results in feedback applications.
Please refer to the Releases where you will find a PDF manual that will explain configuration steps for a quick evaluation.
- Supported SCMs
- BitBucket Data Center
- Azure DevOps Enterprise, On-premise or Cloud
- GitHub Enterprise and Cloud
- Scans are invoked by Push events when code is pushed to protected branches.
- Scans are invoked on Pull-Requests that target a protected branch.
- Scan results for Pull-Request scans are summarized in a pull-request comment.
- Pull-Request state is reflected in scan tags as the pull request is under review.
- Dependency resolution with SCA Resolver can be orchestrated to run behind the corporate firewall.