Here's a fun app which tracks the International Space Station, The ISS, live and shows it on a world map so you can see where it's flying over.
There are versions of the app for VCL, FireMonkey FMX, and TMS WEB Core as a web page too.
You will need a recent copy of RAD Studio or Delphi. You can download a trial or the free CE version here:
To open and compile the app's source code you will need to install the TMS FNC Map Control. The web app version requires TMS WEB Core. Both are available at
I wrote this for an episode of our Embarcadero Winter Webinar 2024 series. You can catch the webinar replay via the link below - the app appears around 46 minutes in - but the webinar has some other cool tips and tricks too.
The video shows the app in use and explains how I did it.
Ian Barker.
Embarcadero Developer Advocate.