The News app is an RSS/Atom feed aggregator. It offers a RESTful API for app developers. The source code is available on GitHub
For further developer and user documentation please visit the wiki
are listed on the ownCloud apps overview
- ownCloud >= 7.0.3
- PHP >= 5.4
- libxml >= 2.7.8 (2.9 recommended)
- php-curl
- SimpleXML
All of the listed stable Linux distributions will be supported until their next stable version's first bugfix release is released (e.g. Debian 7 is supported until Debian 8.1 is released):
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Debian 7 (Wheezy)
- CentOS 7
- Arch Linux
- Newest Firefox (Desktop, Android, Firefox OS)
- Newest Chrome/Chromium (Desktop, Android)
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- MySql
- We do not support Internet Explorer and Safari (Patches accepted though, except for IE < 10)
- get the newest version of the News app
- check if they have already been reported
If you are not able to add a feed because its XML does not validate (see this issue for an example), check if:
- it is a valid RSS by running it through the W3C validator
- you are able to add the feed in other feed readers
Enable debug mode by putting this at the bottom of config/config.php
DEFINE('DEBUG', true);
Turn on debug level debug by adding "loglevel" => 0, to your config/config.php and reproduce the problem
check data/owncloud.log
Please provide the following details so that your problem can be fixed:
- data/owncloud.log (important!)
- ownCloud version
- News version
- Browser and version
- PHP version
- Distribution
Before you install the app do the following:
Check that your owncloud/data/ directory is owned by your webserver user and that it is write/readable
Check that your installation fullfills the requirements listed in the README section
Set up ownCloud Background Jobs to enable feed updates. A recommended timespan for feed updates is 15-30 Minutes.
If you are updating from a previous version read the Update Notices
Disable the codechecker by adding this at the bottom of the file owncloud/config/config.php:
$CONFIG["appcodechecker"] = false;
Then proceed to install the app either from an archive (zip/tar.gz) or clone it from the repository using git
- Go to the ownCloud News GitHub releases page and download the latest release/archive to your server
- On your server, check if there is a folder called owncloud/apps/news. If there is one, delete it.
- Extract the downloaded archive to the owncloud/apps/ folder.
- Remove the version from the extracted folder (e.g. rename owncloud/apps/news-4.0.3/ to owncloud/apps/news/
- Activate the News app in the apps menu
The master branch will always be stable in conjunction with the latest master branch from ownCloud
In your terminal go into the owncloud/apps/ directory and then run the following command:
git clone
Activate the News app in the apps menu
To update the News app use change into the owncloud/apps/news/ directory using your terminal and then run:
git pull --rebase origin master
- Use MySQL or PostgreSQL for better database performance
- Use the updater script to thread and speed up the update
- Feed updates on plattforms using php-fpm are significantly slower due to workarounds which are needed to deal with libxml not being threadsafe
To receive notifications when a new News app version was released, simply add the following Atom feed in your currently installed News app:
You need to do the following:
- Get rid of simplePieCacheDuration setting by removing this setting from your owncloud/data/news/config/config.ini.
After updating from a version prior to 4 all my read articles reappear as unread and there are duplicates
We switched to a different feed parsing library which creates article ids differently than before. This means that the same article is not found in the database because it was generated with a different id and is thus readded. This should happen only once for each feed after the upgrade and there is no data loss. Unfortunately there is no fix for this since the id is a hash which can not be reversed, so a smooth transition is not possible.
Delete the folder owncloud/apps/news/ and owncloud/data/news/, then connect to your database and run the following commands where oc_ is your table prefix (defaults to oc_)
DELETE FROM oc_appconfig WHERE appid = 'news';
DROP TABLE oc_news_items;
DROP TABLE oc_news_feeds;
DROP TABLE oc_news_folders;
Check the owncloud/data/owncloud.log for hints why it failed. After the issues are fixed, turn off the maintenance mode by editing your owncloud/config/config.php by setting the maintenance key to false:
"maintenance" => false,
This is a bug in the core backgroundjob system deleting the owncloud/data/cron.lock file gets the cron back up running
Another way to fix this is to run a custom updater script
- Check if the cronjob exists with crontab -u www-data -e (replace www-data with your httpd user)
- Check the file permissions of the cron.php file and if www-data (or whatever your httpd user is called like) can read and execute that script
- Check if the cronjob is ever executed by placing an error_log('updating') in the background job file. If the cronjob runs, there should be an updating log statement in your httpd log.
- If there is no updating statement in your logs check if your cronjob is executed by executing a different script
- If your cron works fine but owncloud's cronjobs are never executed, file a bug in core
- Try the updater script
All configuration values are set inside owncloud/data/news/config/config.ini and can be edited in the admin panel.
The configuration is in INI format and looks like this:
autoPurgeMinimumInterval = 60
autoPurgeCount = 200
maxRedirects = 10
maxSize = 104857600
feedFetcherTimeout = 60
useCronUpdates = true
exploreUrl =
- autoPurgeMinimumInterval: Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database. Values below 60 seconds are ignored
- autoPurgeCount: Defines the minimum amount of articles that can be unread per feed before they get deleted, a negative value will turn off deleting articles completely
- maxRedirects: How many redirects the updater should follow
- maxSize: Maximum feed size in bytes. If the RSS/Atom page is bigger than this value, the update will be aborted
- feedFetcherTimeout: Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load. If a feed takes longer than that number of seconds to update, the update will be aborted
- useCronUpdates: To use a custom update/cron script you need to disable the cronjob which is run by ownCloud by default by setting this to false
- exploreUrl: If given that url will be contacted for fetching content for the explore feed
For translations in other languages than English, we rely on the Transifex platform.
If you want to help with translating the app, please do not create a pull request. Instead, head over to and join the team of your native language.
If approved, the translation will be automatically ported to the code within 24 hours.