Hello my name is Chad, I have experience in Agile software development in a product team.
In my free time I like exploring new frontend/backend frameworks and developing web applications/example codes using open-source libraries to share with other developers to fast track product integrations.
I like listening to music while programming or mugging school assignments.
📚 My programming stack experience
- React (~ 1 year)
- React Native (Expo) (~ 1 year)
- Angular (< 6 months)
- Express.js (~ 1 year)
- MongoDB (~ 1 year)
- Python (~ 2 year)
- JavaScript (~ 1 year)
- TypeScript (< 6 months)
- Node.js (~ 1 year)
- Java (< 6 months)
🔭 I’m currently working on
🌱 I’m currently learning
- Angular
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on
- Payment solutions integration
- Open source
- Tech for public good
🤔 I’m looking for help with
- Open source opportunities to work on
💬 Ask me about