See the CGoGN Web site for more informations.
We provide:
- CGoGN the core library
- tutorials and examples
- SCHNApps an integrated interface with plugin system.
CGoGN and SCHNApps are compatible with Linux, Mac and Windows The usage of C++11 enforce the usage of recent compilers (g++4.8, clang3.0, cl18)
- install for following package cmake cmake-curses-gui cmake-qt-gui libXi-dev libXmu-dev libglew-dev zlib1g-dev uuid-dev libgsl0-dev libsuitesparse-dev python2.7-dev
- for Qt4: libqt4-dev qt4-dev-tools qtcreator
- for Qt5: qt5-default qtbase5-dev-tools qtcreator libqt5svg5-dev libqt5opengl5-dev
Supported compilers: g++ 4.8 or greater
- Launch cmake in a build directory with path to the CGoGN root directory as source parameter
- If directory name finish by 'Debug' compilation is done in Debug mode, else in Release mode
- Go in build directory and make (-j4 in your machine is 4 core)
- CGoGN_WITH_ASSIMP: build CGoGN with Assimp (or not)
- CGoGN_WITH_ZINRI: build CGoGN with Zinri lib (or not)
- CGoGN_WITH_QT: build CGoGN with Qt (or not)
- CGoGN_DESIRED_QT_VERSION: Choose 4 or 5"
- CGoGN_WITH_GLEWMX: use (or not) multi-contex GLEW (for VRJuggler).
- CGoGN_USE_OGL_CORE_PROFILE: use (or not) OpenGL 3.3 core profile.
- CGoGN_COMPILE_EXAMPLES: compile the examples.
- CGoGN_COMPILE_TUTOS: compile the tutorials.
- CGoGN_COMPILE_TESTS: compile the tests.
- CGoGN_COMPILE_BENCHES: compile the benches.
- CGoGN_COMPILE_SANDBOX: compile all in sandbox
- CGoGN_ONELIB: build CGoGN in one lib instead of 4 separated libs
By default libraries are generated in dynamic version.
You can ideally do the same with QtCreator
Same compilation system for SCHNApps.
- XCode and command line tools.
- Qt4 or Qt5 and QtCreator (native or with homebrew)
- cmake (native or with homebrew)
- install with homebrew : lzlib, glew, suite-sparse (you must first add the homebrew/science repository with the following command : brew tap homebrew/science)
- for macport user installation of suite sparse must be done with "+metis" (sudo port install SuiteSparse +metis)
Supported compilers: clang 3.0 or greater
As on linux
If Qt is not found, add path to Qt to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable.
For best system compatibility executables are generated in bin/Release/Contents/MacOS
- install (or compile) Qt (choose 32/64 bits)
- install python 2.7 (choose 32/64 bits) (Needed for SCHNApps)
- Other Windows dependencies are furnished at:
Supported compilers: Visual C++ 2013 (12.0) or greater
- set PYTHON_PATH to your python installation directory
- set PYTHON_LIB to your python installation directory + \lib
- add xxx\windows_dependencies\lib to PATH
- add path to bin of Qt to PATH
- Use CMake with a build directory and path to the CGoGN root directory as source parameter
- for CMake options see Linux compiling
- generated visual solution (choose right compiler type)
- launch Visual Studio !
- build solution after choosing Debug/Release
If Qt is not found set the QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE cmake variable.
To avoid dll loading problem, all dll and executable (even SCHNApps) are generated in bin/Release or bin/Debug of CGoGN root directory.
Same compilation system for SCHNApps.
To compile a Qt application using Qt, you just need to include apps_cmake.txt after setting the CGoGN_ROOT_DIR variable. See example provided in apps_cmake.txt comments.