The project I developed is a scheduler in C. In this project, the main implementation
method for scheduling is priority based, also it has a distinct feature: when more than
one processes with the same priority, the scheduler uses Round Robin approach to
decide which one gets into the CPU first and switch between them according to their
special time quantums.The aim of this project is to decide on the order of execution
of the processes coming into CPU.
The project uses some methods. First of all it reads the necessary files to create
processes class and makes the processes ready for decision. The other method
used is creating a function that handles almost all scheduling parts. This function is
called priority_scheduler and it uses a main while loop that starts and does not finish
until all the processes are done.
I created some other helper methods for decision making. While this function
schedules the processes correctly, some values are stored to calculate average
waiting time and turnaround time for processes. I did not use queue data structure
for this project but tried a new creative approach. Creating my own functions for
sorting the processes and implementing round robin mechanisms is some of the
approaches that I used. Priority_scheduler function first looks at the processes
priorities, types, arrival times and other criteria to decide on which process should
got into CPU for execution in a for loop. After deciding on the process, it starts
executing the process in a while loop depending on whether it should be executed in
Round Robin scheduling or not. The loop continues until some higher priority
process comes into play or the process is not completed. Also, it cheks type
transformations and time quantums for processes and decides on the upcoming
process. The main aim of the helper functions are generally for round robin
Before running the below commands, make sure you have
- GCC compiler
- Linux OS (prefereably Ubuntu)
Run the following commands to start the shell.