Production SciDB 15.12 Python 3.5 Client System (for standalone or cluster) by Cerbo.IO
It includes SciDB specifics:
- perl 5
- python 3.5
- ipython 3.5
- python3-grib
- python3-netcdf4
- python3-pandas
- scidb-py
- jupyter
- iquery
- openssh
- wget
- screen
- git
- vim
- emacs
For help or more info, feel free to contact us: [email protected] (
docker run -it --rm=true cerbo/scidb-python-client
This will get you a bash shell, where you can run iquery, python, etc.
CID=$(docker run --name=scidb-python-client -d cerbo/scidb-python-client /start-ssh)
IP=$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' ${CID})
ssh root@$IP
pass: scidb
docker run --name=scidb-python-client -d --net=XYZ --ip=A.B.C.D cerbo/scidb-python-client /start-ssh
* replacece "XYZ" with your overlay or macvlan docker network
* replace "A.B.C.D" with a valid and free IP from your "XYZ" network
export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///var/run/weave/weave.sock'
and then:
docker run --name=scidb-python-client -d -e WEAVE_CIDR='$GRID_IP/$CIDR' cerbo/scidb-python-client /start-ssh
Similar to the standard service with ssh access, find out the IP address you received from your default docker bridge and ssh to that. From there, you will have access to the grid via the $GRID_IP