Hello everyone, this is I first time wirted down my experience in develop QT on raspberry Pi 4. I was explored a lot of website, and finanly got some achievement to got my application work easily and simplily.
You can clone my code, and see what's happened.
So let's go!
Before we get start you nned to prepare some stuff.
- Linux ubuntu 20.04 LTS (also in WIndows, but I was not to try)
- Raspberry Pi4 2GB
- Install pigpio on RPI
Unfortunately, wiringPi's author said he won't update any more.
- A lot of patient
If you just wonna do something simple GUI application for RPI, you may not to cross compile QT for RPI. But if want to use something awesome, e.g QChart, unfortunately. I'll put a link below, the videos help me a lot.
btw I just did this step almost cost 2 months, until this Youtuber post it.
Qt for Raspberry Pi - Qt 5.14.2 cross compilation for Raspberry Pi 4 model B - Run Qt on Raspberry
Ok, I lost my patient. So I'll put everything up and explain them.
in Myinterrpt.pro
#add this line
LIBS += -lpigpio -lrt -lpthread
in dialog.h
//m_psDialog is ISR to excute Dialog function pointer
static Dialog *m_psDialog;
//ISR function define in pigpio.h, connot change
static void gpio_ISR(int gpio, int level, uint32_t tick);
public slots:
void on_Recevie_sig();
void emit_sig();
in dialog.cpp
//define which gpio pin you want to be hardware interrupt
#define ISR_pin 27
//initialise m_psDialog
Dialog* Dialog::m_psDialog = nullptr;
Dialog::Dialog(QWidget *parent)
: QDialog(parent)
, ui(new Ui::Dialog)
//[[[IMPORTANT]]] set m_psDialog pointer to this
m_psDialog = this;
//Initialise pgpio
gpioSetMode(ISR_pin, PI_INPUT); //set ISR_pin is input
gpioSetPullUpDown(ISR_pin, PI_PUD_DOWN);
gpioSetISRFunc(ISR_pin, FALLING_EDGE, 0, gpio_ISR); //ISR
//connect gpio_ISR emit signal to whatever slot you prefer
connect(this, SIGNAL(emit_sig()), \
this, SLOT(on_Recevie_sig()));
void Dialog::gpio_ISR(int gpio, int level, uint32_t tick)
emit m_psDialog->emit_sig();
//also m_psDialog->on_Recevie_sig();
void Dialog::on_Recevie_sig()
/*****************whatever you want to do ********************/
ui->label->setText("Hello World!");
ui->pushButton->setText("I did it!");